5 Years After Quake
(Photo of JnU Désert: courtesy of Didier Plowy for Réunion des musées nationaux-Grand Palais service presse)
It fills me with great pleasure that at the moment my large artwork " Sky Above Port-au-prince Haiti 12 January 2010 21:53 UTC" which serves as a marker and memorial for the devastating seismic events of five years ago. The Haitian author Dany Laferrière comments on his own reflections while viewing this artwork at the Grand Palais's "HAITI" exhibition November 2014 – February 2015
In the last several days while Paris grieves/reacts to the unjustifiable murders at the headquarters of the french satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, we have been approaching the fifth year anniversary of 12 January 2010 when more than 200,000 people would lose their lives in Haiti. I wanted to post my findings but most of what i saw online (video réportages and online newspapers) were in some way in my opinion, objectionable. I was neither interested in "poverty-porn" nor finger pointing political posturing regarding the state of affairs on the island. Example one (Youtube Link) and example two (Youtube Link).
Please consult the website where the FULL array of presentations may be seen: www.a Soap Box in Haiti.com (mentioned in this online program "Remembrance Haiti's Earthquake 2010 " in this Link) Here are several examples Film school Jacmel:
A rather mainstream presentation:
A "faustian" enterprise:
And an insightful commentary by the late HC