Cardboard boxes, paint, and 71 digital projections from analogue images
Dimensions ±13feet (wide) x ±10feet (height)
The shared phenomena of archiving and recycling photographic memories through family albums remains a critical point of cohesion for the Haitian diaspora.
Conceptual-artist jean-Ulrick Desert uses his mother as the visual fulcrum of a life spanning the Caribbean and extended familial influences.
Our propensity to perform for the camera is evident in a family record that reflects changes in photography including large and medium format photography, slide film, instamatic and polaroid and the ubiquitous digital selfies of our day.
Note: a short video excerpt may be viewed by clicking in the footnotes below.
This artwork was created specifically for the exhibition From Withing and Without / The History of Haitian Photography curated by artist Edouard Duval-Carrié.